Friday, August 20, 2010

How to deal withStalking ex-boyfriend who calls the psychic friends ever two years???


In '97 I dated this guy,things were okay but his persona began to change.Thats when i said it was over. I have moved on with my life, met someone else and started a family, in another state.Every two years this fool calls my mother's house changing his name and voice trying to find out any information about me because a psychic told him that we are to be married. I have a restraining order against this fool.But that seems not to phase him. I have threaten him so has my husband many of times. But this idoit can not take a hint. Someone HELP!!!How to deal withStalking ex-boyfriend who calls the psychic friends ever two years???
The right card represents a critical element of the future. Ace of Cups, when reversed: Happiness is blocked. Trouble communicating. Value of life questioned.How to deal withStalking ex-boyfriend who calls the psychic friends ever two years???
Hav eyour mom change her number so he cant contact her any more.Have you kept a record of all of his calls and any other contact he has tried to establish with you.If it is excessive you could have him charged as a stalker and he could be arrested and sent to prison.but until you die or he does he is always going to think you are the only woman for him.

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